
Experienced Nebraska Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Offer This Advice for Handling an Insurance Claim 

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are among some of the most severe and devastating medical issues sustained after an accident. If you or a loved one suffered an SCI, it’s overwhelming to deal with an insurance claim to cover your health care costs, especially when the accident wasn’t your fault. But you’re not alone.  

At Beck & Beck, we care about our clients and work hard to give you every advantage in this process. Insurance claims for spinal cord injuries can be complicated, but our skilled Nebraska spinal cord injury lawyers are ready to help—let’s outline the steps. 

Why Spinal Cord Injury Claims Often Require Legal Assistance

According to the World Health Organization, over 15 million people suffer globally from spinal cord injuries, most of them preventable. Dealing with insurance claims after an accident is frequently more complicated than people realize, especially if their condition requires extensive treatment and rehabilitation. Here’s why you’ll benefit from having trusted legal counsel to handle the details of your case.

Accident Insurance Claims Are Complex

Issues with gathering evidence, determining liability, the insurance company’s specific policies, and more make the recovery process challenging. At Beck & Beck, our team understands key deadlines, how to provide sufficient proof of negligence, and what mistakes to avoid that could cause the claim to be denied.  

SCIs Are Complicated 

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most severe medical issues you can sustain in a car accident. This is a specific type of physical trauma that involves millions of nerve cells. Many body systems can be affected, including circulation, breathing, muscles, reflexes, and more. Although some people may have temporary paralysis in the early stages of their injury, others experience partial or total paralysis for life. 

There’s also greater potential for related injuries, long-term impacts, or ongoing treatment. Rehabilitation or assistive devices might also be needed. Additionally, many people face the serious risk of developing secondary or life-threatening conditions with an SCI. So until you’ve reached an acceptable level of maximum medical improvement (MMI), it’s difficult to assess your full compensation. 

Your Lawyer Accounts for All Possible Spinal Cord Injury Damages 

At Beck & Beck, our skilled legal team considers every aspect of your well-being when evaluating accident compensation once MMI is achieved. Depression, for example, is a mental health condition often caused by SCIs. 

Possible damages for a spinal cord injury after an accident include:

  • Medical bills, including emergency room care, surgeries, doctor’s visits, and more
  • Testing and evaluations like MRIs, X-rays, and others 
  • Medications or assistive devices
  • Ongoing care, rehabilitation, and physical therapy 
  • Home health care if needed
  • Modifications to your home or vehicle
  • Lost wages
  • Future loss of wages
  • Mental and emotional health 
  • Loss of enjoyment of life 
  • Pain and suffering 

We’ll also account for the specific factors in your SCI, including the severity of the injury and the risk of permanent disability.  

We Handle All Communication

Whether it’s an insurance adjuster trying to get a statement, a hospital demanding payment for services, an insurer offering a fast but lowball settlement, or some other accident-related issue, you shouldn’t have to be burdened while you’re trying to recover. When you work with us, we coordinate all communication but keep you informed and up-to-date on every aspect of your claim. 

Rely on the Nebraska Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers at Beck & Beck 

We won’t let the insurance company minimize the impact of this injury on your life, and we’re willing to go the extra mile to pursue the fair settlement you deserve. Through essential guidance, endless support, and attention to detail, our goal is to ease some of the stress of this process. Turn to us so you can focus on healing, and let us do the rest.